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 Secondary Plus
TPS have launched our excellent Forensic Science range for Secondary school students, and it is also suitable for 6th form and BTEC Applied Science students.

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Critical Thinking in Science
CLICK HERE Part 1 Sample pages
CLICK HERE Part 2 Sample pages
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This book is designed to give your students practice in answering questions and building their literacy skills in science. You can use them in a number of ways including, but certainly not limited to, review for national exams, as formative assessments during a unit, as homework, or as a “Do Now” to
begin class. They are designed to help you assess your students progress on an on-going basis.
The examples in this book begin with a few paragraphs describing a scenario. The scenario includes several scientific concepts with which the
student should be familiar. The paragraphs are followed by questions that
ask the student to apply what he or she knows about the topic. Sometimes
the student will be asked to complete a graph, draw or label a diagram,
analyse some data that is graphically represented, or some other skill
common to science learning.
They require the student to read and understand the situation described but
also to apply the science concepts studies in order to answer the questions.
Usually there are several questions asked about each situation presented.
Students are required to draw on the science they have learned over time
to make sense of this new context and accurately answer the questions.
Questions are often “scaffolded” to help the student come to the final
answer in a step by step way. They are often given hints in the question itself,
such as “be sure to include…in your answer”.
These examples have been designed specifically to test a wide range of
science and literacy skills. They deal with science content but also assess
science skills such as working with models, making predictions, drawing
and labelling diagrams, and reading charts and graphs. The requirement to
gather their information from a number of sources, present their thoughts by
writing in a clear way, and then self-assess by reflecting on how their answers
compare to those in the book help students practice process thinking and
communicating their ideas.
Reviewing your students’ use of science content and their success in
communicating their ideas in writing will help you plan further lessons and
differentiate your instruction where necessary to ensure higher student
achievement in science class.
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